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This courses has a number of lessons and quizzes as well as a certificate. The purpose of this course is solely to demonstrate an implementation using a CRM to control enrolment active status (content visibility/availability) on a per-lesson basis. Possible uses:

  1. Withdraw access to (most of) the course content while still allowing access to some content - in particular the certificate and (in this example) the introduction and conclusion lessons.
  2. Allow partial access to the content according to a group "membership" defined by users being assigned CRM tags - thereby making content visibility controlled by applicable CRM funnels including timers and other criteria.
  3. Further to above - making content within courses and other content (eg posts, pages, custom posts, products, other courses, etc) controlled by applicable CRM funnels including timers and other criteria.

Essentially the aim is to decouple content visibility from enrolment. Or rather that enrolment is only one of a set of criteria for content visibility.

This course is used solely for demonstrating flexible enrollment actives.  It contains no learning content.
Brisbane, Australia
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